Thursday, April 14, 2016

Model of Kensington Campus

Hi All,

I've placed both a SketchUp model and a Collada (*.dae) model of the Kensington campus as it surrounds our site on ANZAC parade on the FBE courses drive, here: 


You can access this directly in the labs, or could use VPN from home.

They are the same thing, and Lumion 6 will happily import either ... The trial of Lumion 5 only seems to import the Collada file. They are about 10Mb each.

They will provide invaluable context for your Light Rail designs and your design in Experiment 3 which is to follow.

Feel free to edit as you like.




  1. Ah for people who are having trouble connecting to all this drive stuff. Simple, just follow the steps. can we insert pictures?.


    If you're using windows "Hope you are"
    Just go "my pc" "your computer" what OS version you're using is different.

    In the left panel, navigation spot look for "NETWORK".

    Right click it, pop up little menu will appear and look for "Map Network Drive"

    Once that appears "what folder would you like to map"

    Simple select S: as your drive

    what you want to enter in the "Folder" section is.


    - Reconnect at sign in
    - Connect using different credentials

    Press Finish.

    When the windows credentials appear you want to enter in

    USERNAME: adunsw\YOUR Z ID - Example adunsw\z12345678

    PASSWORD: is the password to your Z Id account. Example - 12345678

    it will search for a bit, then add the drive. Which is generally located in the "this pc" section "network locations" or simply a drive called data in the navigation tab.

    Then you can browse that way for the course stuff, i'm sure you can do that.

    DONE! enjoy.
